A2 · B1 · Grammar

Stative verbs

Think or thinking ? Have or having? When dealing with stative verbs, we basically mean those verbs that describe a state instead of an action, but this can be a tricky thing  and sometimes a verb belongs to both categories depending on context. When can we use these  verbs in the progressive form? Here are a few tips along with a quiz.

Serena’s blog
Created by blogdeserena


Watch the video and choose the best option

Activity by Serena

Stative verbs are... 

The verb read is a/an ... 

The verb swim is a/an ... 

The verb like is a/an ... 

Some stative verbs express daily routine. 

Some stative verbs are related to thinking. 

Many stative verbs are related to feelings like love or hate.

Believe is a stative verb.

The verb know is a/an ... 

It's correct to say 'He's loving me very much' .

It's not correct to say things like 'I'm liking it'. 

Some verbs can be stative and also action verbs. 

It's always correct to use 'have' in the present continuous. 

We can say ' I'm having two books'.

We can say ' I'm having a party tonight'.

Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct?

Created by blogdeserena

A short lesson on stative verbs

Read, learn and choose the best option

Activity by Serena

Some verbs are not usually used in the progressive form. Some of these verbs are: love, hate and like.

Which sentence below is grammatically correct?

Which  sentence is correct? dog

Which sentence is correct?

 Which sentence is correct?

Which sentence is correct?

Can we use 'have' in the progressive?


Which sentence is correct?

Which sentence is correct?


Progressive or simple?

Which is the correct option?


Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct?

Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct? 

Which sentence is correct? 

Progressive or simple?

Which sentence is correct?

Progressive or simple?


Which sentence is correct? 

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