Natural world & environment

Food waste and what we can do about it.

In 2016 Huffpost launched a campaign calling for action against the astronomical amount of food that was being dumped into the bins by supermarkets in the USA. Although the article is already over three years old, I’ve adapted it as a reading activity that you can do after listening to the video that briefly explains why we should think seriously about this matter. After reading the text, you may want to discuss the questions below with a partner and/or write a letter.

I hope you enjoy the lesson!


Think and discuss

  1. Do you think governments should curb food waste within households and businesses? Give reasons for your answer.
  2. Why do you think supermarkets and chain stores prefer to discard their produce rather than sale it at a reduced price?
  3. In some states of USA it is illegal to scavenge. Do you agree with this law? What reasons do you think are behind it?

2 thoughts on “Food waste and what we can do about it.

  1. Thank you José Antonio! I’m really happy to know that you enjoyed the text. I’ve uploaded it again altering part of it and changing some of the contents. So now the document looks tidier and has even got a writing activity.

  2. Thanks for your time, Selena. I’ve enjoyed doing the gapped text exercise very much.

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