
Hi there!

On this page, you’ll find a collection of valuable resources including links to free ebooks, audiobooks, and PDF files in the public domain. This means you’ll have access to a wide array of literature without any copyright restrictions. Explore the world of literature freely and enjoy the wealth of content available to you!

Let’s start!

Gutenberg offers over 60,000 free eBooks, including many classic works of literature. These books are typically in the public domain, meaning they are no longer under copyright.

Open Library is an initiative of the Internet Archive, offering over 1.7 million free eBooks, including a wide range of genres and subjects. They have both public domain books and contemporary titles that are available for borrowing.

ManyBooks provides a vast collection of free eBooks, including classics as well as contemporary titles. You can browse by genre, author, language, and more.

LibriVox offers free audiobooks of public domain works. Volunteers record these audiobooks, making them accessible to anyone interested in listening to classic literature.

Google Books provides access to a wide range of books, including many that are available for free in full-text format. You can use the search filters to find books that are in the public domain.

The Internet Archive hosts a massive collection of digital content, including books, music, movies, and more. You can find a wealth of free eBooks in various formats on this platform.

On this site you will find an enormous selection of literary classics that you can download in PDF

On this link you will find a selection of some of Roald Dahl’s short stories in PDF.

And of course I was not going to forget that there is a whole bunch of writers out there who publish short stories on their sites. For this particular reason, I will also be posting links to their blogs hoping that you will enjoy reading them as much as I have.

Fedrik Backman

The first one I’m going to mention is Fredrik Backman. I’ve read at least three of his books and I found them absolutely hilarious. The language is accessible for B2 learners without having to grab the dictionary too many times. Absolutely recommendable if you’re in for a real laugh with a dose of thought-provoking content!

A Rambling collective

I have been a long-time follower of this blog, and although I must admit that I have fallen out of the habit of reading Nicola’s short stories, I encourage you to explore her blog, as I am sure that you will find plenty of delightful moments reading her stories.