
The diphthongs /aɪ/ / aʋ/

Diphthongs are formed by more than one vowel sounds put together. There are a lot of English words with diphthongs in them even if we can only see one vowel written in the words. Like many words in English, the best way to know how to pronounce the word is by hearing it or by looking up for the pronunciation in a dictionary with phonetic transcriptions.

/aɪ/for fly


  • This sound is a diphthong, which means it has two vowel sounds /a/ and /I/.
  • There are a lot of English words with diphthongs  even if we can only see one vowel written in the word. Like many words in English, the best way to know how to pronounce the word is by hearing it or by looking up for the pronunciation in a dictionary with phonetic transcriptions.
  • This sound is in the words: hi, high, lie, my, five, island and arrive

  • The transcriptions of the words above are: /haɪ/ / haɪ/ /maɪ//’aɪlənd/ /faɪv/ /ə’raɪv/

 /aʊ/ for mouse


  • This diphthong usually corresponds to words written with – ow or ou.
  • In English words the sound is in: house, mouse, mouth, and town
  • The transcriptions of the words above are: /aʊ/ /haʊs/ /maʋs/ /maʊθ/ /taʊn/


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