Media, arts, literature & entertainment

B1-B2 Expressing preferences

In this post we’re going to see some expressions that you can use to ask about and express preferences. Pay attention, above all, to the verb patterns that we use after each verb or modal. You have a short dialogue as an example and, for some extra practice, a short activity where you must complete…… Continue reading B1-B2 Expressing preferences

Countries, towns, cities & public places

B2 Listening: Spain’s Population Dilemma

What if you could not afford to move away from home? What if you found yourself on the wrong side of thirty and still living at your parents’? Would you migrate to one of Spain’s numerous ghost towns? Would you leave behind all the hustle and bustle of city life, friends and Bizum for the…… Continue reading B2 Listening: Spain’s Population Dilemma

B1 · Media, arts, literature & entertainment

B1/B2 Collocations for TV

Yep, it’s high time to work on those little chunks of language called collocations. Here are some of the most typical ones we would use when speaking about TV or programmes. Pay attention above all to the most common error of this level, which is the confusion between ‘see’ and ‘watch’. BTW Isn’t the couch…… Continue reading B1/B2 Collocations for TV

Workplace & jobs

B2 Vocabulary for describing workers

How would you describe a good worker? How would you describe yourself when filling in a job application or writing a CV? In this post, you have 10 ‘must-know’ adjectives that you can use to describe a worker (or yourself if you happen to be job hunting) You have here a word cloud, a crossword…… Continue reading B2 Vocabulary for describing workers

Natural world & environment

B2 Listening Food Waste Prevention tips

In this activity, students will watch a very short video dealing with food waste and what we can do to avoid it. The video is short and many students may not be familiar with an Irish accent. So, before watching, learn the vocabulary that you have on the wordcloud. As to make sure you know…… Continue reading B2 Listening Food Waste Prevention tips

Body, health & nutrition

B2 How Healthy are Your Eating Habits?

I always tell my groups that apart from watching videos in English, another great way to learn vocabulary and structures is reading, but Alas! I can hardly imagine some of my students picking up a book in English. So I HAVE TO GET THEM to read (desperate What can I do? What can I do?).…… Continue reading B2 How Healthy are Your Eating Habits?

Body, health & nutrition

Idiom: eat like a horse

Now that we’re dealing with the topic of food and nutrition, how about an idiom? What do you think the idiom “eat like a horse” means? Make a guess and check on the video. a) to eat in a noisy way, chewing with your mouth open and other disgusting table manners. b) to only eat ingredients…… Continue reading Idiom: eat like a horse

B1 · Body, health & nutrition

B2 Collocations related to health and dieting

Roscón de Reyes photo by Chiaroscuro on Pexels Oh what a topic to start the year the year with! After all the feasts and gatherings we’ve had the opportunity to enjoy during this Christmas break, it seems that ‘this English teacher’ feels a bit guilty and can’t think of a better subject to post on her…… Continue reading B2 Collocations related to health and dieting

B1 · Grammar

B1/B2 NO as a quantifier

If you are not sure what a quantifier is, it’s one of those ‘small words’ that usually come with nouns to give us information related to number (some, any, all, both, etc). No can be used instead of using a form of the verb ‘be’. We can say there aren’t any biscuits or there are no…… Continue reading B1/B2 NO as a quantifier

People, relationships & family · video

B1-B2 Speaking about friendship

Now we’re approaching Christmas, people become aware of how important it is to share good times with their loved ones – oh! Now I’m getting a bit soppy :D….(leave it Serena, you’re not inspired today…) Ok, let me start again. In this post, you have a short video with questions related to friendship, which I…… Continue reading B1-B2 Speaking about friendship