A2 · B1 · Grammar

Different ways to use the verb Stop

Among some of the problems students come across when learning English, are those verbs that have more than one verb pattern with a change of meaning and ‘stop’ happens to be one of them. Here you’ll find a short presentation on ways to use ‘stop’. Afterwards, you can practise with the two different activities, one is for lower levels while the second activity is for students that are higher up on their knowledge of English. I hope you find the activity useful.

Below you will find the link to the lesson.

Below you’ll find a quiz for A2-B1- B2 levels

Created by blogdeserena


Choose the best option

Activity by Serena

Maria stopped _____ (SPEAK) to Mike about the surprise party they were going to organise.

I promise I'll stop at your house ______ (SAY) hello.

Which option below means the same as the statement 'We were told not to take any more pictures'? 

That phone never stops _______! (RING)

Maria stopped_____  (SPEAK) to Mike after she found out he had been gossiping about her

Which option below means the same as the statement 'Jane gave up smoking'? 

I need to stop _____ (GET) some petrol.

Which option below means the same as the statement 'At two we won't work anymore'?

Mike is going to stop _____ (WORK) next year. He wants to take up a degree at Open University.

They were forced to stop _____ (DRIVE) because of the blizzard.

Which option below means the same as the statement 'Toni and Maria are no longer speaking to each other'?

All the men stopped ____  (HAVE) a drink and something to eat.

Which option below means the same as the statement Tom had a break in order to have a snack? 

Fortunately the baby stopped _____  (CRY) and fell asleep.

After she left the house, she stopped _____ (CRY) because she wanted to release all her pent-up emotions.

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