C 2 · People, relationships & family

Negative prefixes for adjectives

What is it, un-, in-, dis- or im- for abashed? Eeeeks! There are some rules for word formation concerning adjectives such as ir- if the word begins with r like in responsible = irresponsible and im- for words that begin with a p or b like possible=impossible, or prudent=imprudent, but this sometimes needs some practice…… Continue reading Negative prefixes for adjectives

C 2 · People, relationships & family

C2 Vocabulary for describing sounds and voices

Here are two different quizzes that will enable you to brush up on vocabulary that you can use when describing voices and noices (very important when writing a narrative, for instance). If you hiss at somebody, you’ve said something to them in a low and angry way. If you chirrup, you’re probably in a good…… Continue reading C2 Vocabulary for describing sounds and voices

A2 · B1

Adjectives for emotions and moods

Here you have the opportunity to learn and practise adjectives related to emotions. Some of them (nearly all of them, I mean) are participials. In the first activity you will find a quiz to help you learn and remember the words. In the second activity, you will complete the sentence with an adjective related to…… Continue reading Adjectives for emotions and moods

Body, health & nutrition · C2 · People, relationships & family

C1/C2 Adjectives for describing bodies

WE HAVE DEEP ROOTS IN THE GREENWOOD ” I fear those grey, old men of Mocca’s Park,” Wrote Francis Kilvert, the Victorian diarist. “Those grey, gnarled, low-browed, knock-kneed, bowed, bent, huge, strange, long-armed, deformed, hunch-backed, misshapen oak men that stand waiting and watching century after century.” When it comes to describing something or somebody, it…… Continue reading C1/C2 Adjectives for describing bodies

C 2 · People, relationships & family

30 Personality adjectives for C2

Ok, it’s fine if you want to say that your best friend is a good guy, a nice guy, a great guy or even a cool guy, but where’s the vocabulary that you should be using for this level? Here’s a vocabulary activity with 30 different adjectives for you to grab and make part of…… Continue reading 30 Personality adjectives for C2

People, relationships & family

Listening B2-C1: Funny gags about posh English

Why should learning a language mean getting stressed and not having fun? Come on! Who ever said that stuff about  ‘one has to suffer to reach an aim’? Not meaning by this that a certain amount of effort shouldn’t be invested in whatever we want to do if we want to make progress, but if…… Continue reading Listening B2-C1: Funny gags about posh English